Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This and That...

Hello all! We hope everyone is enjoying the mild fall we are having! Doug, Scott and I are anxious for Shea, Tony and the boys visit in 2 weeks. We have some fun things planned and I need my Grandson fix!! Doug is still doing the big remodel at his store. He has had a very long summer with no vacation time so I know he will be taking lots of time off this winter! Lets hope so!

I did something this morning that I have been thinking about doing for a long time. I registered to be a volunteer at the 2009 Winter Special Olympics! I am very excited about this and I hope it will be a fun experience as well as a very rewarding one! I don't know what I will be doing yet but I'm sure I will be notified soon enough!


Doug said...

You go girl! I think it's a great idea to get involved with Special Olympics. That is something I am not comportable with and I'm glad you are. The closest I have come is taking Scott to dinner. ha ha And yes, I am very excited to see the boys. I got thenm a suprise today.

Shea said...

I am so excited for you, mom! I think it is awesome..here is hoping they won't make you clean bathrooms! Ha!

But really..I think it is awesome what your doing :)

mode36 said...

That is great of you to do something so selfless.  I'm very impressed!

Cathy said...

Thanks you guys! I am really looking forward to this! :)

M and M said...

I have done lots with Special Olympics here. It is so fun to see the kids smile and enjoy themselves.

Don't leave your cell phone out when Tony is around. You never know what language it may be when you use it again ;)

mode36 said...

OK, it is 6 days shy of TWO MONTHS since you posted a blog!  Get with the program up there!  I get that Boise is boring, but surely there is something happening you can blog about?!?

mode36 said...

Wow, over THREE MONTHS and no update?!?  You know, Doug, you can post blog entries also!  Anything at all!  There have been two major holidays and at least one visit that I know of since your posting...come on, seriously!